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Online Undergraduate

We know you’re ready to widen your potential.

We understand being busy, but we know you’re ready to widen your potential. That’s why we, at William Penn University, want to give you the best resources for a balanced life as you earn your degree. Our online program is the right solution for your needs—a flexible and convenient schedule at an affordable price. Eight-week courses allow you to complete coursework with a flexibility that fits your lifestyle. The William Penn Online Program was designed with you in mind.

To learn how you can enhance your work preparedness, submit this form to our Office of Admissions.

What majors are offered and how are classes organized?

We offer majors in Business Management, Human Resources Management, Psychology, and RN-BSN.

How much does each class in the Online program cost?

Course Type Cost per Credit Hour
Online $450
RN-BSN $483

Please ask your current employer for tuition reimbursement opportunities. As always, you can apply for federal aid—so don’t forget to file your FAFSA.

How long to complete my program of interest?

The length will vary depending on your previous experience. If you have just completed high school, the estimated time to completion is 4 years. If you have an Associate’s degree, the estimated time to completion is 2 years.

To determine the exact amount of time it will take you to complete the program, file your application for free today and send your transcripts to the Registrar, then we’ll complete a degree audit for you!

“My degree from WPU has impacted me greatly… The flexibility of the online courses didn’t just benefit me professionally, but it also benefitted me personally. I work upwards of 55-60 hours per week and have a family at home that I love spending time with. Not having to report to a classroom and having the flexibility of coursework scheduling, has allowed me to balance my time with every aspect of my life. I wouldn’t be where I am without the online program!”

                                                — Andrew Ruiz

In today’s corporate world, the Business Management major is a catalyst for job promotions, new job opportunities, and career success. While courses focus on the skills and knowledge needed to do well in the business world, students will also master writing, team building, and making presentations—all essential for today’s managers and leaders.


The following are courses you will be taking as a student of the Business Management program:


  • APCS 114 Computer Applications for Business
  • BUSI 201 Principles of Accounting I
  • BUSI 202 Principles of Accounting II
  • BUSI 230 Principles of Management
  • BUSI 347 Business Ethics
  • BUSI 460 Corporate Strategy
  • ECON 211 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 212 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • MATH 303 Statistical Methods


  • BUSI 310 Commercial Law or BUSI 311 Contemporary Business Law
  • BUSI 332 Operations Management
  • BUSI 334 Marketing Management
  • BUSI 336 Human Resource Management
  • BUSI 338 Financial Management
  • BUSI 345 Organizational Behavior
  • BUSI 349 International Business
  • ECON 309 Managerial Economics

Distance Learning is an innovative program offered by William Penn University’s Education Division to reach non-traditional students. The program overcomes barriers that non-traditional students face in obtaining their teaching degrees and endorsements. It provides the tools and support to help students fulfill their dreams.

Learn more about the Elementary Education opportunities through the Distance Learning Program at William Penn University!


Don’t forget to ask about our new Iowa Paraeducator Scholarship specifically for Distance Learning students from Iowa. Students that qualify will pay no more than $5,000 for tuition (fall and spring semester). The scholarship can also be renewed each year.

Requirements include:

  • Enrolled full-time as a degree-seeking student in William Penn University’s Distance Learning for Elementary Education or PE/Health/Coaching
  • Provide proof of employment as a paraeducator
  • File FAFSA before July 1

Today’s business climate requires successful organizations to create human resource systems that comply with numerous governmental regulations while creating organizational cultures that promote productivity, employee well-being, and retention. Working in the human resources field requires the knowledge, skills and ability to plan, develop, and implement strategic activities necessary to accomplish these goals. This program is designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and practical skills for career enhancement and job advancement in the human resources field.


The following are courses you will be taking as a student of the Human Resource Management program:


  • APCS 114 Computer Applications for Business
  • BUSI 201 Principles of Accounting I
  • BUSI 202 Principles of Accounting II
  • BUSI 230 Principles of Management
  • BUSI 347 Business Ethics
  • BUSI 460 Corporate Strategy
  • ECON 211 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 212 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • MATH 303 Statistical Methods


  • BUSI 336 Human Resource Management
  • BUSI 338 Financial Management
  • BUSI 345 Organizational Behavior
  • BUSI 349 International Business
  • HRMC 453 Employment Law
  • HRMC 454 Strategic Management
  • HRMC 455 Strategic Staffing
  • HRMC 457 Compensation and Benefits
  • HRMC 459 Training and Development

The Psychology major provides students with both a solid base of content knowledge in psychology and specific human relations skills training. Students receiving a psychology degree should expect to function at a high level in various people-serving organizations or go on successfully to graduate school. Students who complete a major in psychology will have an enhanced understanding of human behavior, skills in utilizing and evaluating psychology research, improved communication and interpersonal skills, and a broadened understanding of how psychology issues influence contemporary thought, demonstrating critical thinking skills.


You will take the following courses as a Psychology student:


  • PSYC 102 Introduction to Psychology
  • PSYC 260 Social Psychology
  • PSYC 326 Abnormal Psychology
  • PSYC 327 Personality
  • PSYC 333 Learning
  • PSYC 335 Experimental Psychology
  • PSYC 390 Psychology Practicum
  • PSYC Electives

The mission of the William Penn University RN–BSN program is to prepare BSN graduates with enhanced leadership skills that are essential to nursing practice in a diverse and ever-changing healthcare environment. Educational preparation is grounded in the nursing program’s outcomes and William Penn’s principles and goals.


The following are courses you will be taking as a student of the RN-BSN program:


  • NURS 300 Health Assessment & Pathophysiology
  • NURS 301 Professional Nursing for the RN-BSN
  • NURS 302 Leading & Managing for the RN-BSN
  • NURS 303 Community Health
  • NURS 312 Informatics for the RN-BSN
  • NURS 313 Enhancing Nursing Health for the RN-BSN
  • NURS 401 Evidence-Based Practice

You can apply at the link below to earn your degree through the online program.

Online and Evening

NameOffice PhoneEmailTitleOffice
Georgetta Myhlhousen-Leak641-673-2120emailDirector of Online/Remote LearningPenn 216
Noel Stahle641-673-1010emailVice President for Academic AffairsPenn 221
Kerra Strong641-673-1014emailVice President of Enrollment ManagementPAC 203
William Utter641-673-1305emailAdmissions Counselor, Online & Evening, Distance Learning, NursingPAC 203