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Social & Behavioral Sciences

The Social and Behavioral Sciences division focuses on the structure of individuals and groups that have been impacted by the organization of social systems and human behavior. Upon completion of one of these programs, students will have practical experience, structured researching techniques, and the ability to understand key concepts in their chosen field.

The division endeavors to promote the personal, social, and professional development of its students and cultivate the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes to facilitate a broad and deep understanding of oneself and society within a larger personal, social, cultural, and historical context.

Social Systems and Human Behavior

The History and Political Science majors will provide students with an understanding of the past and of contemporary political, constitutional, economic, social, cultural, and international issues. These majors will increase historical consciousness, assess issues, and provide a better foundation upon which to solve modern-day problems.

The Human Services, Psychology, and Sociology majors offer a foundation and an understanding of human behavior, evaluating research, improved communication and interpersonal skills, and a broadened understanding of how psychological and social-structured processes influence behavior.

Student Profile

Meet Anna Sporman, a Sociology and Human Services major from Flint, Michigan, who has found both family and purpose at William Penn University through soccer, choir, and her academic journey. Learn how WPU helped her grow personally and professionally as she prepares for a future in social work.