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Applied Mathematics Program

The Applied Mathematics major allows students to implement what they have learned to other areas of study, while taking fewer math courses. Graduates in this department are in high demand and tend to receive higher starting salaries and more job offers than they expected. Employers, in any job, look for success in math and see it as a sign of strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills

General Mathematics Program

The General Mathematics program offers students the opportunity to develop and acquire necessary undergraduate knowledge in a variety of related mathematics topics and essential skills to be utilized in changing environments through a mixture of problem solving, application, and fundamental theory. A secondary teaching endorsement and a minor in mathematics are also available.

Our General and Applied Mathematics programs give our graduates the skills and confidence necessary to solve real-world problems, to succeed in a wide variety of careers, and to better appreciate the intrinsic logic of the universe.

Dr. Ted McCoy, Associate Professor of Mathematics


General and Applied Mathematics graduates have continued their education in graduate school or have found employment within the following areas or companies:

  • Engineers
  • Statisticians
  • Actuaries
  • High school teacher
  • College professor
  • Graduate school (medical and law)
  • Cambridge Investment Research
  • Prism Projection
  • Pella Corporation
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • State Farm Insurance
  • Musco Sports Lighting, LLC.


If a student is considering attending graduate school and would like to obtain real-world experience to enhance their higher education capabilities, an internship is an excellent opportunity to explore his or her chosen field. Internships provide great opportunities for networking and meeting other individuals in the chosen field. Students of the Applied and General Mathematics programs have completed internships at:

  • EMC Insurance Company
  • Principle Financial Group
  • Athene Insurance Company
  • Musco Sports Lighting, LLC.


Breanne Garrett, M.A.

Assistant Teaching Professor of Mathematics | Division Co-Chair 641-673-1120 Email

Alexa Schut, M.A.

Director of Mathematics 641-673-1324 Email

Ted McCoy, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics | Applied Technology Co-Chair 641-673-1090 Email


The Math Club is open to all William Penn students. Each year, club members organize trips to conferences and symposium, including the Undergraduate Symposiums, at the Argonne National Laboratory and an annual mathematics conference at Simpson College. A few members will have the chance to spend time working as tutors with fellow Penn students or Oskaloosa High School students to enhance their abilities in the field of mathematics.


You will take the following courses as a student in the Applied or General Mathematics programs.

Mathematics Core

  • APCS 205 Algorithms & Programming
  • MATH 211 Discrete Mathematics
  • MATH 212 Intro to Abstract Mathematics
  • MATH 241 Calculus I
  • MATH 242 Calculus II
  • MATH 353 Linear Algebra
  • MATH 390 Professional Development Seminar

Applied Mathematics Courses

  • MATH 345 Numerical Analysis Methods
  • MATH 395 Professional Development Seminar II

One or more of the following courses

  • MATH 303 Statistical Methods
  • MATH 336 Mathematical Statistics

Three of the following courses

  • MATH 332 College Geometry
  • MATH 335 Differential Equations
  • MATH 339 History of Mathematics
  • MATH 343 Calculus III
  • MATH 354 Abstract Algebra
  • PHYS 211 or 212 College Physics I or II (either course, not both)

*At least 21 credits in some other area, including an approved minor

General Mathematics Courses

  • MATH 335 Differential Equations
  • MATH 336 Mathematical Statistics
  • MATH 343 Calculus III
  • MATH 354 Abstract Algebra
  • MATH 395 Professional Development II
  • PHYS 211 College Physics I

Three of the following courses

  • MATH 332 Geometry
  • MATH 339 History of Mathematics
  • MATH 345 Numerical Analysis Methods
  • PHYS 212 College Physics II

Mathematics Minor Courses

  • MATH 211 Discrete Mathematics
  • MATH 212 Intro to Abstract Mathematics
  • MATH 241 Calculus I
  • MATH 242 Calculus II
  • MATH 353 Linear Algebra

One of the following courses

  • MATH 303 Statistical Methods
  • MATH 332 Geometry
  • MATH 335 Differential Equations
  • MATH 336 Mathematical Statistics
  • MATH 339 History of Mathematics
  • MATH 343 Calculus III
  • MATH 345 Numerical Analysis Methods
  • MATH 354 Abstract Algebra