While technological advancements have contributed to an increased market within sport-related professions, there is still a great need for professionals who have a strong desire to work directly with people. Whether it be through seasonal recreational activities or in a year round wellness program, the demand for Wellness & Recreation professionals is targeted for growth in the upcoming decades. This is a great profession for students who don’t see themselves behind a desk but would rather be actively engaged working with clients, managing events, and leading programs.
The Wellness & Recreation Program
The Wellness and Recreation program prepares students to work in public or private recreation facilities with people of all ages. Students will be prepared for positions such as recreation coordinator, athletic trainer, trail guide, and sports coach.
Students that receive their Wellness & recreation degree from William Penn University will be qualified for the following careers (to list a few):
By the end of a student’s senior year, they’ll be expected to have participated in an internship that will contribute to their understanding and experience in a professional environment. students will be able to display their leadership capabilities to members of local communities and create openings for future opportunities. Here are some businesses that have provided Wellness & Recreation students with internship opportunities:
The following is a list of courses you will be taking as a student of the Wellness & Recreation program:
*Plus 12 credits of electives from BIOL, EASC, EXSC, KINS, PSYC, SMGT, or SOCI courses not used elsewhere