The Penn Leadership Core is a set of required courses that all students must complete to be eligible for graduation. It consists of two areas of study: 1) the Mission Core and 2) the Liberal Arts Core. Through these courses, students develop leadership skills and gain knowledge grounded in the liberal arts. The Penn Leadership Core requires the completion of 39–42 total credit hours.
Mission Requirements
The Mission Core consists of 21 credit hours of coursework (8 courses) intentionally selected to support the three components of the William Penn University Mission statement: leadership, technology, and Quaker values. Mission Core coursework emphasizes communication, aesthetic awareness and appreciation, technology, values, and the practice of self–assessment, self–reflection and critical thinking.
Liberal Arts Requirements
The Liberal Arts Core consists of 18-21 credit hours of coursework (6 courses). These courses provide a diverse program of study necessary for liberal arts education. The areas of study include mathematics, natural science, humanities, social and behavioral science, history, and religion.
Transfer students with an A.A. degree are required to take only two (2) courses—LDRS 290 Quaker Values and LDRS 390 Contemporary Leadership—to fulfill Penn Leadership Core requirements. Any Penn Leadership Core requirement satisfied prior to Fall 2012 may be substituted for the corresponding Penn Leadership Core requirement listed below.
LDRS 100 College Foundations 2 Credit Hours
LDRS 101 English Composition I 3 Credit Hours
LDRS 102 English Composition II 3 Credit Hours
LDRS 105 Computers and Technology 3 Credit Hours
LDRS 200 Principles of Communication 3 Credit Hours
LDRS 220 Arts and Society I or LDRS 221 Arts and Society II* 3 Credit Hours
LDRS 290 Quaker Values 1 Credit Hours
LDRS 390 Contemporary Leadership 3 Credit Hours
Total Mission Requirements: 21 credit hours
Liberal Arts Core Requirements are satisfied by passing, testing out of, or transferring equivalent credit for at least three credit hours under each of the six requirement areas below.
At least one of the following courses:
MATH 105 Math for Leaders 3 Credit Hours
MATH 120 Technical Mathematics 3 Credit Hours
MATH 140 College Algebra & Trigonometry* 4 Credit Hours
MATH 303 Statistical Methods 3 Credit Hours
MATH 205 and MATH 206 Math for Elem Educators I/II
(for Elementary Education majors only) 3 Credit Hours
Any course with MATH 140 as a prerequisite (MATH 241, MATH 242, etc) 3–4 Credit Hours
Any lab science course: biology, chemistry, earth science, or physics 3–5 Credit Hours
At least one of the following courses:
LDRS 220 Arts and Society I (unless taken in the Mission Component 3 Credit Hours
LDRS 221 Arts and Society II (unless taken in the Mission Component) 3 Credit Hours
EDUC 265 Reading Children’s Literature (for Elementary Education majors only)
ENGL 220 Introduction to Literature 3 Credit Hours
Any ART, MUSI, MUAP, or THEA class 3 Credit Hours
At least one of the following courses:
PSYC 102 Introduction to Psychology 3 Credit Hours
PSCY 108 Life-Span Psychology 3 Credit Hours
SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology 3 Credit Hours
SOCI 123 Sociology of Contemporary Issues 3 Credit Hours
PSYC 303 Developmental & Educational Psychology* (for Education majors only) 3 Credit Hours
At least one of the following courses:
HIST 130 American History to 1900 3 Credit Hours
HIST 132 American History Since 1900 3 Credit Hours
HIST 216 Leaders in World History 3 Credit Hours
HIST 217 Leaders in American History 3 Credit Hours
HIST 234 American Black History 3 Credit Hours
HIST 236 America in the Modern World 3 Credit Hours
HIST 318 Women in American History 3 Credit Hours
Any Religion course 3 Credit Hours
Total Liberal Arts Core: 18–21 Credit Hours