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Welcome to Admissions!

Meet the Admissions Team

Our admissions team comprises supportive, experienced professionals who will help guide you throughout the admissions process.

Some days have the power to change a life forever. For you, this could be one of them. By applying to William Penn University, you’ll be taking the first step toward joining our very special community of teachers and learners.

Contact Us

We’re sure you have many questions right now. It’s only natural. So understand that we’re here to address any you might have. Contact us at any time, and we’ll do everything we can to get you the answers you need and streamline your application and admission process.

Office of Admissions
Penn Activity Center Room 203
800-779-7366 or 641-673-1012

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”), is a federal law requiring colleges and universities to disclose to the U.S. Department of Education statistics regarding specific crimes occurring on or near campus property.  The law is tied to an institution’s participation in federal student financial aid programs. The Clery Act is enforced by the U.S. Department of Education. The law  requires our annual crime statistics to be published by October 1 each year.  These statistics are available online in an annual security report.  Paper copies are available by request in the Security Office in the Student Union. A copy of the report can be downloaded here as a PDF.


NameOffice PhoneEmailTitleOffice
Taegin Butler641-673-2165emailAdmissions Counselor
Seth Crook641-673-1054emailAdmissions Counselor
Amanda Devore641-673-1149emailCommunications Coordinator & New Media Tech Support
Molly Greenfield641-673-1277emailSenior Admissions Counselor
Madison Lantz641-673-1342emailDirector of Admissions, International Students
Kerra Strong641-673-1014emailVice President of Enrollment ManagementPAC 203
William Utter641-673-1305emailAdmissions Counselor, Online & Evening, Distance Learning, NursingPAC 203
Stephanie VanMersbergen641-673-1012emailAdministrative Assistant