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Sexual Harassment Policy


To our students, faculty, administrators, and staff:

  1. Statement of philosophy: William Penn University strives to recognize human dignity and therefore does not tolerate sexual harassment or any type of harassment within or connected to this institution. Harassment is illegal and unfairly interferes with the opportunity for all persons, regardless of gender, to have a comfortable and productive education and work environment. We are committed to taking all reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment and to discipline those who harass. We believe that a person is entitled to say “No” to unwanted sexual conduct without the fear of reprisal or retribution from any person, including faculty and supervisors.
  2. Statement of prohibited conduct: Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that consists of unwanted sexual behavior that is threatening, demeaning, or offensive, and unreasonably interferes with an individual’s ability to work, learn, or otherwise participate in the services and benefits of activities and programs provided by or at William Penn University. Sexual harassment is illustrated by, but not limited to, the following:
    • Persistent unwelcome requests for a date.
    • Persistent unwelcome requests for sexual favors or acts.
    • Continued expression of sexual interest after being informed that the interest is unwelcome.
    • Non-consensual and/or unwelcome physical contact.
    • Nude or semi-nude posters, photos, cartoons, or graffiti in the workplace or public place that are demeaning or offensive and interfere with an individual’s ability to work or learn.
    • Unwelcome visual contact calculated to be threatening and/or that unreasonably interferes with a person’s ability to work or learn.
    • Retaliation, retribution, or reprisals in any form or manner in response to complaints about harassment, to requests for the harassing conduct to stop, or for assisting a person with a complaint of harassment.
    • Use of physical strength to interfere with job performance or learning.
    • Preferential treatment or promise of preferential treatment for submitting to sexual conduct.

    This list is not intended to be nor should it be construed as all inclusive of prohibited acts under this policy. Any of the prohibited conduct described here is sexual harassment of anyone to whom it is directed or who is otherwise subjected to it. Each incident of harassment contributes to a general atmosphere in which everyone suffers the consequences. Sexually oriented harassment has no legitimate place at a higher education institution. The person who engages in such will bear the full responsibility for such unlawful conduct.

  3. Scope of policy: The policy applies to administrators, faculty, staff, agents, and students at all times and places in connection with this institution. Compliance is a condition of being enrolled as a student at William Penn University. This policy applies to those who do business here. Compliance with this policy is a term and condition of employment with this institution. The terms “employee” or “employment” include, but are not limited to, faculty, staff, administrators, agents, and contractors.
  4. Discipline: In the event of the determination of harassment, discipline may include, but is not limited to, any of the following:
    ∗oral reprimand
    ∗termination of dismissal
    ∗written reprimand
    ∗suspension from school
    ∗termination of contractual relationships
    ∗expulsion from school
    ∗suspension (with or without pay)
    The final discipline shall be determined exclusively by a committee composed of the contact people that have been designated by the institution. A determination of sexual harassment under this policy shall be placed in the harasser’s personnel file.Harassment of employees or students by third parties is not acceptable. William Penn University will do whatever it reasonably can to stop such harassment. Harassment is a violation of state and federal laws and the harasser may be charged by appropriate agencies.
  5. Contact person: Contact persons are selected by you and your peers and are trained in identifying sexual harassment and handling sexual harassment complaints. They are available to assist you in identifying and stopping sexual harassment.
  6. Procedures: The purposes of these procedures are to provide a prompt and fair resolution of problems and to preserve the due process rights of all involved, including the rights to receive notice of complaints and to have an opportunity for an impartial investigation. These procedures also are created to provide for discipline of violators of this policy. However, the University’s administration may take any immediate action to stop harassment if reasonably necessary, and is not limited to the process provided herein.In the event that you believe that sexual harassment has occurred or is occurring, you are encouraged to communicate clearly, preferably in writing, to the harasser and state that the conduct is not acceptable. You are encouraged to maintain careful written records of the harassment and to continue to maintain current records throughout the process.
    Complaints of sexual harassment that are in violation of this policy will be accepted in writing or orally. Anyone who has observed sexual harassment should report it to a contact person. A complaint is not limited to someone who is the direct target of the harassment.If the conduct is not stopped after your communication, or if you do not wish to make the initial contact with the harasser, you may file a “Sexual Harassment Incident Report” with any person designated as a contact person. The names and locations of these people will be posted throughout the campus. This contact person will assist you with your “Sexual Harassment Incident Report” and with the process. The contact person also will attempt to resolve the matter at this stage if you wish.

    Any complaints that involve students as both complainant and accused must be referred to the Judicial Board for disposition. All others are referred to the Sexual Harassment Committee composed of the contact people appointed by the University. The convener of the Sexual Harassment Committee is the Director of Human Resources.

    A designated investigator will complete and investigation, make a determination of whether sexual harassment has occurred, and recommend discipline if harassment is found. The parties to the complaint will be provided written notice of all determinations and recommendations and receive copies of any documents received by investigators.

    All reasonable attempts will be made to complete this entire process within 30 days of the filing of a “Sexual harassment Incident Report”.

    On or about 30 days after the completion of the above process, the investigator or original contact person will communicate with each of the parties. The purpose of this follow-up is to discourage any further harassment, retaliation, or retribution that may occur or has occurred.

  7. Confidentiality and prohibition of retaliation: Confidentiality shall be maintained to the greatest extent possible within the requirements of conducting reasonable investigations. Only those who have an immediate need to know will or may find out the identity of the parties. Any retaliation against a complainant or witnesses is prohibited specifically by this policy and the person(s) will be disciplined.
  8. Training: Training sessions will be conducted for all employees, agents, supervisors, and administrators regarding this policy and the prevention of sexual harassment. The intent of this training is to produce and institution that is free of harassment and that provides the opportunity for everyone to reach full potential in the performance of his or her assigned job or educational pursuits.

Copies of this policy is available in the William Penn University Student Handbook.

By submitting this form, I agree that I have received, read, and understood the Student Conduct Code. I understand that compliance with each and every provision of this policy is a term and condition of my enrollment.

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