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Anna Sporman

Anna Sporman ’26
Hometown: Flint, MI
Major: Sociology and Human Services

Meet Anna Sporman, a junior at William Penn University from Flint, Michigan, double-majoring in Sociology and Human Services. Anna’s passion for soccer and singing keeps her active on and off the field, but it was the scholarship opportunity to play soccer that initially drew her to William Penn. The small-town feel, welcoming atmosphere, and diverse community were key factors in her decision to make WPU her home away from home.

Academically, Anna has thrived in her dual majors, finding the coursework fascinating and the faculty supportive. One professor who has had a lasting impact on her is Anita Meinert, whose kindness and expertise have greatly enriched Anna’s experience, especially in choir. Anna describes the Wilcox Library as an essential resource that has helped her succeed with its quiet study spaces and easy access to research materials.

Outside the classroom, Anna has fully embraced campus life. She is a member of the WPU soccer team, which she describes as her second family, and choir, which allows her to channel her love for music and relieve stress. The close-knit community and support from her peers have made WPU feel like home, especially as she transitioned from out of state and built strong, lifelong friendships.

Anna credits William Penn University with helping her grow both personally and professionally, preparing her for a career in social work. Although she hasn’t yet completed an internship, she plans to do so next summer to further her education in human services. Anna’s time at WPU hasn’t been without challenges; a serious knee injury last September tested her resilience. With the support of family and friends, she found the strength to recover and get back on the field. Her advice to future students: prioritize your mental health and seek help when you need it.

Looking ahead, Anna plans to return to her hometown for graduate school and pursue a master’s degree in social work, with the goal of helping children in need. As she reflects on her time at WPU, she knows she’ll miss her friends and professors the most, but she’s grateful for the lasting memories and the opportunities that William Penn has provided. In her words, “William Penn University has not only given me a chance to continue my passion for playing soccer but also has brought me everlasting friendships and memories.