In a world that is constantly changing, the faculty endeavors to provide students with the skills to adapt and to constantly be learning. This program will provide you with the skills to develop, design, test, and maintain computer software.
Students in the Software Engineering major will take the common Computer Science/Math core, specific courses in their degree, as well as an application minor. Students will learn a variety of languages, design techniques, and foundational methods to give them the ability to constantly improve on future programs and software. This program emphasizes team work and the processes of developing large-scale software projects focused on the end user.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, Software Developers made a median income of $103,560 and System Analysts made a median income of $88,270 in 2017. The need for developers is expected to increase by 24% and analysts by 9% through 2026. A degree in Software Engineering could give you opportunities in positions such as these:
By participating in internships, students surround themselves with a professional environment while generating experience and future opportunity. While internships are not required in this program, students understand their importance and pursue internship possibilities within Oskaloosa and other surrounding communities. William Penn Software Engineering students have worked as interns at the following local companies:
It's exciting being involved in a constantly changing field. Our graduates are applying their knowledge in areas as diverse as Financial Services, Communications, Management and Graduate School.
As a student of the Software Engineering program, you will be taking the following courses: