Aaron | Hinnah | Instructor of Sports Management | hinnaha@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1336 | Kinesiology & Life Sciences Division |
Amanda | Devore | Communications Coordinator | devorea@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-2165 | Admissions |
Angela | Crist | Cataloger | crista@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1797 | Library |
Anita | Meinert | Assistant Teaching Professor of Vocal & Keyboard Music | meinerta@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1063 | Humanities Division |
Ashley | Wagamon | Student Account Officer | wagamona@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1142 | Business Office |
Bob | Morris | Assistant Director of Student Success Program | Academic Coach | morrisrd@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1366 | Student Success Center |
Bonnie | Johnson | Vice President of Financial Operations | johnsonb@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1036 | Business Office |
Breanne | Garrett | Assistant Teaching Professor of Mathematics | Division Co-Chair | garrettb@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1120 | Applied Technology Division |
Breanne | Woten | Accounts Payable Manager | wotenb@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1397 | Business Office |
Kimberly | Brown | Director of Nursing | kimberly.brown@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1182 | Nursing Division |
Brooke | Sherrard | Assistant Professor of History | sherrardb@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1350 | Social & Behavioral Sciences Division |
Christina | Kock | Interlibrary Loan | Circulation Manager | kockc@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1096 | Library |
Crystal | Curry | Accounting Manager | curryc@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1035 | Business Office |
Cyndi | Peiffer | Director of Financial Aid | peifferc@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1040 | Financial Aid |
Dana | Oswald | Assistant Professor | Assessment Coordinator | Licensure Official | oswaldd@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1113 | Education Division |
Darrell | Mackaig | Director of Student Success Program | Academic Coach | mackaigd@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-2172 | Student Success Center |
DeAnne | Doll | Registrar | dollde@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-2118 | Registrar |
Debbie | Stevens | Coordinator of Career Services | Adjunct Instructor | stevensde@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-2173 | Career Services |
Glenn | Steimling | Professor of Kinesiology | steimlingg@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-2171 | Kinesiology & Life Sciences Division |
Heidi | Scholes | Dean of Students | Director of Residence Life | Director of Student Life | scholesh@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1084 | Residence Life |
James | North | Professor of Biochemistry | northj@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1065 | Kinesiology & Life Sciences Division |
James | Smith | Instructor of Industrial Technology | smithj@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1098 | Applied Technology Division |
Jane | Miller Van Haaften | Academic Coach | vanhaaftenj@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-2156 | Student Success Center |
Janet | Ewart | Professor of Biology | ewartj@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-1119 | Kinesiology & Life Sciences Division |
Jared | Pearce | Professor of English | pearcej@wmpenn.edu | (641) 673-2107 | Humanities Division |