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Student Success Center


The mission of the Student Success Center is to promote independent learning within a secure environment, whilst meeting the diverse needs of the William Penn University community.

Located on the main level of the Dana M. Atkins Memorial Union, around the corner from Student Services, the Student Success Center is a student resource designed to encourage independent learning. The approachable, knowledgeable staff and comfortable atmosphere make the SSC a great place for students to make strides in specific areas of study or learn more about research methods.

Student tutors are available, at no cost, to help all William Penn University students study for an upcoming test, write a research paper, or assist with an important presentation. Help is available for most subjects with emphasis on writing, math, and computer skills. The Student Success Center also provides testing services, as well as support for students who require special accommodations for tests.


  • Computer Lab
  • Internet connection
  • Microsoft Office
  • Peer-tutoring
  • Resource books
  • EBSCO access
  • Whiteboard (Math)
  • Printer
  • Scanner
  • Area for independent study


Monday–Friday, 10:00 am–2:00 pm
Sunday–Thursday, 6:00 pm–10:00pm

Writing Tutors also available in the Wilcox Library:
Sunday–Thursday, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm

Want to be a Student Tutor?

Qualified students can have an enjoyable experience by providing a great service to their peers. If interested in being a student tutor, contact the Academic Resource Center at 641-673-2172. The requirements are listed below:

  • Recommendation from a professor
  • Maintain a “B” average
  • Fill out an application
  • Must be friendly and enjoy helping others
  • Attend tutor training in the fall 

CLEP and DSST Testing

CLEP and DSST testing are available year round and by appointment only. Contact Darrell Mackaig to schedule a test.

Darrell Mackaig, Director of SSC & Academic Coach

Bob Morris, Assistant Director of SSC & Academic Coach 641-673-1366

Student Success Center

Name Office Phone Email Title Office
Darrell Mackaig 641-673-2172 Director of Student Success Program and Academic Coach Union
Bob Morris 641-673-1366 Assistant Director of Student Success Program and Academic Coach Union