James Smith became a faculty member in 2013. He has enjoyed seeing the Applied Technology Division commit to the success of its students and to provide them with personalized and focused attention. He works individually with students by assisting in their development of new and original products for class research projects, academically advising students, and being the faculty advisor for the Technology and Engineering Education Collegiate Association (TEECA) on campus.
For three years Professor Smith taught Industrial Technology in Alaska at the junior high school level. He appreciates the diversity of Penn’s student body and feels that it was a key factor that helped him prepare for teaching there.
Outside of class, Professor Smith is a Research Engineer for Musco Sports Lighting, LLC. He uses his research of new materials, processes, and technology in his classroom and is always updating his mediums of presentation to the newest multimedia forms to enhance the student learning experience.
B.A., Secondary Education with endorsement in Industrial Technology,William Penn University
M.S., Technology: Technology Education, University of Northern Iowa
International Technology and Engineering Education Association (ITEEA), Member
Iowa Industrial Technology Education Association (IITEA), Member
IITEA Conference Planning Committee
William Penn University Technology and Engineering Education Collegiate Association Advisor